
...And starting again.

I really want to be a good blogger. And by that I don't mean a famous one that people follow religiously  Or one who gets asked to blog for brands and is quoted in media. By a good blogger I mean one who actually posts updates on his blog. It shouldn't be that difficult, right? Let's see.

More than a year has passed since we landed in Japan, and therefore since I started working. My advertising career in Japan is now a reality. I can be one of those people who returns to the Mother Country one day, telling stories of Ad-land life in faraway lands. Very exciting stuff.

I think most people who might see this know what I have been up to, but a trip to LA for shoot and working with iLuminate has definitely been the highlight of my work life here so far.

Although today, I was on the other side of the lens in a photoshoot. Not sure exactly when and where the images will be used, but there was mention about Point Of Sale advertising so will need to keep an eye out for that.

Nearly time for another meeting so will leave it there for now. 

I will do my best to keep this thing updated and become a good blogger.