
Work Life Balance

Since last post, I took action. I decided rather than saying I wanted a better work/life balance, I decided to actually do something about it.

I realised I needed to reign in the workload. I realised that if I didn't speak up, nothing was going to change.

So I spoke up.

And I found that after I did, I felt a whole lot better. It's amazing how powerful talking can be. Letting things out rather than keeping them in.

Today, I went about things with a much more positive attitude. Ok, the chocolate-coated coffee beans a colleague shared with me may have had something to do with it. But on the whole, I felt better. My mind felt more at ease and I took on the day's challenges much more confidently.

And then, I left the office at 730pm.

And didn't bring work home.

By 930pm, I was bathed and fed. And had no idea what to do with myself.

I loved it.

I am loving it.

I am on the way to getting this work/life balance thing back.



So I don't usually make New Year resolutions. It's not because I have tried and failed in the past. It's not because I don't think people should set goals for themselves. It's because, well, I'm really just not into setting New Year resolutions.

This year, however, I thought I would give it a go.

Eat out more.

Experience Tokyo (and Japan) more.

Try harder to find that seemingly-elusive work/life balance.

Travel more.

Eat healthier.

Maybe (maybe) exercise more.

And blog. (I can't add "more" after that.)

And it is with that last item on the list that I re-commence blogging. I don't know if it will be a daily thing. Maybe I should set time aside each day to write something here.

But you know, with Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and Google+ and LinkedIn, it's all a bit daunting. I am connected to the same people on multiple SNS. I post the same content across each platform, with the touch of one button.

So I need to find a voice for this blog. A voice that is different from other content I choose to publicly broadcast.

Who knows what that voice will be.

But I guess there is only one way to find out.

And that is to blog. More.